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The importance of rotating your greens

The importance of rotating your greens

Mother nature gave us blossoms, harvests and seasons to help us rotate our vegetables, however with supermarkets packed with anything we like at any time, plus our busy lifestyles; the temptation to stick to the same vegetables becomes difficult to beat.  We know it is not good to eat the same exact foods, meal after meal each day, it’s also not the best idea to only stick to one or two vegetables with your meals.  A little understanding of the potentially harmful compounds in your greens will help you understand the importance of mixing up your diet, and why you should limit your favorites to a few times a week.


Alkaloids are a compound found in almost all plants, whilst they are not harmful, a huge amount of the same plant each day is not great for your diet.  Most all plants contain alkaloids, however, those lowest in alkaloids include: lettuces, herbs, celery, asparagus, and arugula. 


Eating too much goitrogens may lead to hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) and some autoimmune disorders.  Some of the most popular veg such as broccoli, kale and cauliflower contain goitrogens.   . Greens low in goitrogens include: romaine, herbs, spinach, collards, Swiss chard, and all lettuce varieties.


The human body naturally contains oxalates, also found in other plants and animals.  Greens such as spinach, chard, and beet greens contain high amounts of oxalates, a heavy amount leads to an unhealthy build-up of calcium.  Greens low in oxalates include: kale, romaine, rocket, lettuces, and some herbs  but not parsley.

 Want to know which greens you should rotate? 

 Below is the list with the best nutrients when added to your diet one or twice a week.

Kale – Rich in Vitamin A and C, magnesium, fiber, protein, chlorophyll, folate, kale is very versatile, add it to your juices, smoothie, salads, you can eat it raw or slightly sautéed

Spinach- Rich in Vitamins A and C, magnesium, fiber, protein, chlorophyll, and folate, spinach. Though it’s rich in oxalates, for the best iron absorption, heat a little coconut oil in a pan, cook the spinach for one to two minutes and drizzle with lemon juice, this will boost your iron levels

Rocket – Rich in Vitamins A and C, chlorophyll, magnesium, and fiber, Rocket also known as Arugula is perfect to eat as a salad, add a bunch on your smoothie and juice for extra flavors.

Beet Greens– Beet greens are not easy to find in UAE, but if you order your veg straight from the organic farms you will also get the leaves. They’re rich in folate, antioxidants, Vitamin C and fiber. Beet greens are also a good source of chlorophyll, you can add them in your smoothies, juices or soup

 Swiss Chard- Swiss chard are available few month per year in UAE mostly in all organic farm, you can also get it from Kibson. Chards are full of flavor and nutrition. Rich in Vitamin C, magnesium, chlorophyll, and protein.

 Romaine Lettuce–Low in alkaloids, oxalates, and contains no goitrogens, contains a good amount of vitamin A,

Parsley- A wonderful source of vitamin C, this herb is rich in chlorophyll and iron  

Coriander– Is full of anti-oxidant, has many health benefit and it is delicious in a juice  

There is no such thing as a ‘wrong green’, we do not need to fear any vegetable because it may be linked to health issues. The main point is, these green superstars should be parts of the show, but not given the lead part in every meal.  To get a stellar performance of your nutrients, even them different roles when you schedule your meals for the week.

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